Divinity 2 Base Dmg Editor
Jan 30, 2018 sounds good, so far, it seems like Necro 6/Scoundrel 6/Huntsman 2/Aerotheurge 4/Dual Wielding 10 on a lone wolf elf, living armour, all skilled up, parry master, so far. That leaves one more talent. If you're going lone wolf, I'd throw one of those (2) aero points into warfare and grab executioner.
This program allows you to modify various things in a Divinity Original Sin II savegame.
It is technically, more a front end for Norbyte's LSlib than a real savegame editor.
Only English and French languages are available at this time.
You can create more translations by adding new databases in the Locales folder.
Databases use SQLite format. I personnaly use DB Browser for SQLite.
It is highly suggested (but not required) to use ISO 639-2 format for databases filenames.
Savegame corruption
If the game complain about savegame corruption, disable cloud storage before saving and modifying your savegames.
Better be safe than sorry
Use a special save to make your modifications. Save your game once then a second time, and only edit that second save. If something goes wrong, you won't loose much progression.
Known issues
Divinity 2 Base Dmg Editor Torrent
- You can only select the amount of an item if the amount is known (in DoS2 DE, this means the stockpile have to be greater than 1)
- Using keyboard to (un)select Talents may be messy sometimes.
- Last line of Tags description may be truncated.
- Modifying the original savegame during edition may leads to unpredicable results if metadatas are loaded after (either by displaying informations, removing mods, or opening the tree view)
- Savegames are sorted by system time, not by savegame time (order may differs from the game selection)
2nd Base
D3 singularity dmg per essence 2. Base application requires Windows 7 or better.
Divinity 2 Base Dmg Editor Download
It requires Norbyte LSlib to load and modify savegames (included in Binaries/C/)